Monday, November 4, 2013

Short stories...

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” 

-Dr. Seuss

We are finally at the end of the semester and I can't wait for holidays, anyway, in this last period, in the literature class, the teacher gave us five short stories to read,  by the way,  I didn't like all of them.  
The ones that I enjoyed are called: Unhappiness by Kafka and The Seventh man by Murakami, because both of them were really interesting, while I was reading I felt as if I was the principal character, I was into the story.

Unhappiness is about a dialogue a man and a child as a ghost. When I finished to read the story, I realized that I have to enjoy and love everyday of my life because with just one wink, the youth is vanished and you will never be a teen again. 
Youth (childhood, adolescence) is the most beautiful stage in our lives and we have to appreciate it because when you get older, you get bitter and the things you used to love as young, won't have the same meaning or value. 

The Seventh man, is the story of a man that indirectly provoked his friend's death. It makes you think about his situation of blame and shame because his friend died and he could have done something to save him. What would you do if your best friend is in danger and if you take the risk to save him, your life is in danger too?, Cannot answer, right? exactly!, this story makes you reflect about friendship and values.
I recommend to read both of them, they are worth it.