Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Satire III

    "Satire III"
    During the last weeks, we've been reading John Donne's poetry in my Literature class. There was a poem that caught my attention immediately because it made me think a lot about God, devil and religion in general, this poem is called "Satire III". This poem mainly talks about man and religion.
    It's interesting that in someway, Donne's poem makes me want to have a religion and do the "right thing" by following the word of God. Another interesting fact about "Satire III" is that he establishes that when human follow their temptations, they're not actually feeding their soul and that religion is the solution for everything they need.
    This is related to the fact that people actually have a religion because they feel more confident and less scared of real life. Therefore, I can conclude by saying that it is essential for humanity to have a religion because it is a guide that will make them feel less afraid of their future.
    What I learned about John Donne when I finished to read this poem is that he thought religion was the right thing for him and wanted to transmit that message to everyone else.
    He was a person that really, really liked metaphors and we can see one in the beginning of "Satire III", when he says "Death be not proud".
    My experience with "Satire III" is that at first, I didn't understand what he was talking about because his constant use of metaphor, so I had to read it again and again. Also I realized that for a lot of people, religion (how Donne describes it) is their answer and guide for everything, but not for me. 
     "I would rather live my life as if there's a God and die to find out there isn't, than live as if there isn't and to die to find out that there is." 
    -Albert Camus

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