Monday, September 30, 2013

Motifs & Themes in Faust.

I discovered that Faust is a man that is really influenced by Christianity. He's a highly successful man, because he knows a lot of things and he has an extended knowledge. There is one problem, that he is not satisfied with the things he own, he is unhappy because he believes that he can have more, and when he reaches his goals, he is always looking for something more
He's a really ambitious person, he feels that he will only become complete if he can fuse his life with nature and the universe, in order to find this higher knowledge, Faust makes a bet with the devil called Mephistopheles.

  • Themes: 
1. Faust's power and knowledge. 
2.  The importance of the Christianity in the decision-making of Faust.
3. The conflict between Medieval and Renaissance values. (Faust is a renaissance man who had payed the medieval price for being one). 

  • Motifs: 
1. Angels and devils.
2.Supernatural forces.

The power that Faust owns, allows him to be a brave person, most of the history is based on his power, because despite his desire of having more, he is looking for a way on how to use the one he already has. Once he has all the power he can, he believes that everything is possible for him and his limitless power makes him an evil man. He plays jokes with people and he doesn't have a control of it.


-Stay weird. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Formalism and Faust.

In this second partial we have to read Faust, which is a novel about a man that makes a pact with the devil, it was a really attractive option, and that's why we picked that novel. Formalism will help me understand better the literature, let's start explaining the its meaning. 
What is Formalism?
-It refers to critical approaches that analyze, interpret, or evaluate the inherent features of a text. These features include not only grammar and syntax but also literary devices such as meter and tropes. The formalist approach reduces the
importance of a text's historical, biographical and cultural context.

So, how is formalism going to help me understand better Faust?
-Because it allows me to have a deepest comprehension of the text. If I analyze more in depth these novel, I will understand it better and also I will be able to understand future books. And also because it's a reading that requires a lot of attention to make it understandable.

What have I liked or disliked about Faust so far?
-To be honest, I really like the general idea of the book, but when I started reading the book, I didn't was as excited as I used to be. I mean, it is really tedious and its also confusing. I just hope to like it during this week. 
-Stay Weird. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

My improvement in the first term! (:

"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success."

-Napoleon Hill

I am now in 3rd semester, and I just finished the first term, which was a little bit confusing. I don't know why, things got harder, I mean, my grades were not as good as in the previous semesters. I felt disappointed about me and I didn't have motivation to continue on the IB

But one friend told me that no matter the grades I got in the first term, I can improve them in the second term. And I learned that if you really want something so bad, all you have to do is to be persistent and dedicated, therefore you will have really good results.

I learned in my literature class that I have to read Naruto everyday. And that I am really liking it, even though I thought I was not going to enjoy it,

I expect to improve my grades this 2nd partial because I know what I am capable of, and that no matter what I got in the 1st one, that number doesn't define my abilities or intelligence. I know that I can do it. 

There we go second partial... 


"A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success."
-Elbert Hubbard.


-Stay weird. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

What I have learned about Literature.

First term is gone, and I have enjoyed my all my classes!. I never thought I would choose literature, but I ended up doing it and to be honest I've learned a lot of things, If it was my decision I would have never choose to read Naruto, and when the teacher told us that Manga was the first thing to read, I didn't feel excited about that, but I had to read it anyways.

After reading I was really into the history, is really interesting. I realized that Literature is a synonym of entertainment, literally.



All the knowledge that I've learned during this time about Literature, I can apply it in my ordinary life, because now I have more imagination and creativity to create solutions for problems. Now I can reflect about everything in a deeper way. I love Literature, and I love to write in this blog, because I can say anything I want. I love to read and I realized that one of the best ways of expressing yourself is through writing.


“Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry.” 

-Cassandra Clare

-Stay weird. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Why is writing an essay so hard?

When the teacher tells you: "you need to write an essay about the book for the next week, is going to be part of your final grade", you feel like you are not going to make it just because you think that you're not good at writing.

But, why is writing an essay so hard?
Maybe because writing our feelings and thoughts in a piece of paper is not as easy as when we talk. You may also feel like you are limited to express your thoughts because again, it's not the same to written than spoken. 


Any way, whenever you are forced to write an essay, you just have to write the most important things in order to make it understandable, also you must follow a thesis statement in all the essay and in every paragraph there must be a topic sentence, therefore writing you essay shouldn't be as hard as it was in the beginning.

I am currently working in an essay, it's not done yet, and I'm struggling with it a little bit because I can't express in a paragraph (8 lines approx.) the big idea that is in my mind, so I found out that the thing that I struggle a lot with when writing an essay is to find the correct words on expressing the same thoughts I have in my mind, but without changing the meaning. 

But, after all, I'm enjoying it! It's a personal challenge that I have to confront, but I know that if I give my best and just try to make some outlines before, at the end I will have a good grade!

So don't give up!, think that essays help you to become more modest as a thinker, more open to error, less fixated on what you do and more respectful of what you don't. 

 "The essays that really touch us, are the ones that are deeply personal."
 -Richard Shaw.

-Stay weird.